あのヒット曲<2129>John Williams








映画「Close Encounters Of The Third Kind」(邦題「未知との遭遇」)のテーマ曲でした。








『That hit song You remember from the season』《2129》


Forty-three years ago, right about “about this time” in 1978, this song had risen to number 14 on the U.S. hit charts.


It was his third Top 40 hit in the US!


It was the theme song for the movie “Close Encounters Of The Third Kind”, and from the following week, it reached #13 for two consecutive weeks. In the midst of the heyday of “disco”, it was one of those songs that stood out from the crowd!


Come on!↓Click the down arrow to Flashback to those days!


John Williams:"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" (1977)-Main Theme