あのヒット曲<2183>Village People






Pink Ladyによるカヴァー「ピンク・タイフーン」でもお馴染み???彼等にとって、3曲目の全米トップ40ヒット!










『That hit song You remember from the season』《2183》


Forty-two years ago, right around this time in 1979, this song was climbing to number three on the U.S. hit charts.


Are you familiar with Pink Lady’s cover of “Pink Typhoon”?


This was their third Top 40 hit in the U.S., following “Y.M.C.A.”.


From that week on, it was the highest number 3 song for two weeks in a row.


Come on!↓Click the down arrow to Flashback to those days!


IN THE NAVY---VILLAGE PEOPLE, Official Music Video (1979) HD
In the Navy. The original 1979 music video featuring original lead singer Victor Willis.