1963年3月10日、スウェーデン生まれ。ジャズ・トランペット奏者、Don Cherryは継父、Eagle-Eye Cherryは異父弟という女性R&Bシンガー、そのデビュー曲!
親日的なタイトルを持つファースト・アルバム「Raw Like Sushi」からのリード・シングルでした。
『That hit song You remember from the season』《2209》
Thirty-two years ago, right around this time in 1989, this song was climbing to number three on the U.S. hit charts.
Born in Sweden on March 10, 1963. Jazz trumpet player, Don Cherry is her stepfather, and Eagle-Eye Cherry is her half-brother, the female R&B singer’s debut!
It was the lead single from her first album, Raw Like Sushi, which has a pro-Japanese title.
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