あのヒット曲<2213>Anita Ward








まさにディスコ・ブームのピークにあって、本家「TK」レコード傘下の「Juana Records」から発売された大ヒットナンバーでした。


この週、Donna Summer「Hot Stuff」を倒して、王座奪取!2週連続NO.1を保持しましたが、その翌週には、同じくDonna Summer「Bad Girls」に、その座を譲りました。






『That hit song You remember from the season』《2213》


Forty-two years ago, right around this time in 1979, this song was number one on the U.S. hit charts.


It was the only top 40 hit in the U.S. by a female singer from Memphis!


It was a huge hit released by Juana Records, a subsidiary of TK Records, at the peak of the disco boom.


This week, it beat Donna Summer’s “Hot Stuff” to take the title, and held the No.1 spot for two weeks in a row, but the following week, it was overtaken by Donna Summer’s “Bad Girls”.


Come on!↓Click the down arrow to Flashback to those days!


Anita Ward - Ring My Bell
©1979 TK Records.