あのヒット曲<1985>Brotherhood Of Man






プロデューサー&ライター、Tony Hillerによって作られたイギリスのグループ、その2曲目の全米トップ40ヒット!


セカンド・アルバム「Love and Kisses」に収録されたこの曲は、1976年の「ユーロヴィジョン・ソング・コンテスト」優勝曲でした。








『That hit song You remember from the season』《1985》


Forty-four years ago, right around this time in 1976, it was climbing to #28 on the U.S. charts! was this song.


The British group created by producer & writer Tony Hiller, whose Second U.S. Top 40 hit!


The song, which appeared on their second album, “Love and Kisses,” is from 1976’s It was the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest.


It was a smashing No. 1 single in the UK Singles Chart! However, the following week’s #27 on the U.S. singles chart was the highest number on the chart. The Japanese title of the song was ???


Come on!↓Click the down arrow to Flashback to those days!

